While travelling the country having looked at thousands of sites with Japanese Knotweed issues, over the last 6.5 years I have seen the construction industry improve dramatically in regard to dealing with this non-native invasive species. Most competent construction contractors are able to identify the plant and know what to do when they come across it in order to prevent it becoming more of an issue than it already is – highlight it, isolate it, seek specialist help, implement treatment regime. It has now become a rarity for us to find it has been spread all over the site via the ground worker or other sub-contractors; however, it still happens…
JKSL recently looked at a project in Bolton where the developer was in the process of building a new unit. It had the main structure done, roof on, retaining walls etc. all that was left was to install the concrete floor, install internal basics and re-surface the exterior paths and vehicle access points. Due to financial pressures the project was delayed for 6 months. When they returned to complete the works this strange plant had grown up all round the building, behind the retaining walls, and worst of all – across numerous areas inside the building!
JKSL obviously recommended a sound strategy at a fair price to remediate the problem. However this was still a cost which they hadn’t allowed for, thus putting more strain on the development. To rub salt in the wound, if we had been contacted prior to construction works commencing the situation could have been rectified for a fraction of methodology costs needed now.
This just highlights the importance of not overlooking the issue of non-native invasive species on your site – always get it surveyed before you purchase so you can account for such factors. Once you have identified it, hit it early, hit it hard, hit it with Japanese Knotweed Solutions.
Alex D