JKSL are always looking for new ways to improve our treatment techniques. Over the last few years we have been adapting our ‘plugging technique’ which is used on a range of non-native species in particular Japanese Knotweed. In layman’s terms this involves injecting herbicides directly into the crowns and rhizomes of the plants structure rather than the traditional approach of into the stem/cane. Thus the chemical is ‘force fed’ into the rhizomes directly exhausting the system within a shorter timeframe.
Now a new system is available which speeds up the physical process of undertaking the plugging operation thus taking it to the next level. Known as the silver bullet this plastic plug containing a chemical capsule is placed in a pre-drilled hole and a specific depth and permanently secured in place with a hammer. The action of striking the plug cracks the capsule thus releasing the chemical directly into the root system. Using minimal herbicides this technique completely eliminates any chemical spillage or unnecessary drift thus making it the greenest chemical treatment methodology to date. It also leaves a clean finish and enables operatives to easily identify treated areas.
Recent results are showing that it is proving to be a successful new tool in the armoury of JKSL’s war against non-native species.
Alex D