
The spring brings out all kinds of interesting creatures, both human and animal. Fortunately we live in a country where very few of our fauna are poisonous. However, spring does bring out some undesirables – and one species which is currently hitting the news is the Brown tail moth caterpillar. The problem is that the

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Can we combat what’s killing the wombat?

The Worst Effects of Invasive Species A lot of what we do at Japanese Knotweed Solutions revolves around the construction industry and private gardens. However, we also work alongside organisations like the Environment Agency, Eden Rivers Trust and Cornwall Knotweed Forum, working in areas where Japanese knotweed causes marked and severe effects on native species.

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Giant Hogweed burns

I was sad to speak to somebody yesterday whose colleague – a landscape operative – narrowly avoided hospitalisation after working in a residential garden which contained giant hogweed. He had strimmed the plant, not knowing what it was, and the sap had gone all over his unprotected skin – fortunately missing his eyes. He then

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Solution to devastating weed?

Striga or witchweed, is a group of parasitic weeds found in over a third of cereal crops in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Crops yield at least 40% less when they are parasitised by Striga causing an estimated us $7 billion loss and reducing the food security of millions of people. This weed affects the roots of

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Lake Victoria

As my colleague Dan highlighted last week, we in the UK don’t have the worst problems in the world with invasive species. Japanese knotweed and the Killer Shrimp are causing havoc – but we wouldn’t go so far as to say devastation (although in the case of the Killer Shrimp, this is mostly because their

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Health and safety consultation

The government is currently part way through a consultation on Health and Safety law. Cutting back red tape is a good aim – but in this age of global information sharing, we see many countries where workers go without the protections that they deserve because government regulations are too weak to offer meaningful protection to

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Operation ranch hand; 40 years on, the clean-up continues

A $43 million clean-up operation has begun in Vietnam to decontaminate the former US airbase in Da Nang of a chemical called TCDD (a nasty carcinogen often referred to as “dioxin”). The plan revolves around the excavation and thermal treatment of around 73,000 cubic metres of soil in a project which will take approximately four

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Japanese knotweed is generally referred to as a herbaceous perennial, as although it leaves behind woody stalks over the winter, it is very rare for the plant to grow new leaves from any part of the previous season’s stems. The crowns and the rhizome (root system) of the plant stay alive over winter, sending up

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Hit it early – hit it hard!

Back in 2006 I surveyed a large brownfield site in the North West for invasive weeds which was just about to be sold for a significant sum of money. Unfortunately the deal fell through and the owner decided not to proceed with cleaning up the site and protecting their asset despite advice from numerous industries

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