Chris Oliver

Previous experience:
I studied chemistry at university and have had a diverse work history including international commerce, training and retail & hospitality. I’ve generally worked with small, dynamic companies. I speak German, Spanish and French and a little Japanese.
Job Title: Operations Manager
Company experience: I started with JKSL in 2012 and worked in various areas of the business before settling in the Operations Department and being promoted to Operations Manager. I am a qualified safety advisor and Technical Member of IOSH, currently working to progress to Graduate status. I am also the company’s Nominated Storekeeper and have passed the rigorous BASIS Invasive and Injurious Weeds course to become a pesticides advisor. Because JKSL and I are both dedicated to contributing to the industry, I regularly participate in the invasive species trade body INNSA and the industry body the Amenity Forum, sitting on their Education and Skills committee and also managing their technical notes on invasive plant species. In early 2019 I was appointed to the BASIS Membership Committee as the representative for storekeepers, a role which sees me liaising with people from all across the agriculture and amenity sectors in order to contribute to best practice in the industry.
Favourite part of your job: I love learning, as well as developing new systems and processes, and I enjoy writing the odd newsletter article (“odd” being the operative word).
Least favourite part of your job: Not enough hours in the day (especially in summertime, when there are more hours in the day!).
Interests away from work: Mostly physical exercise, nowadays, but I have been known to play music and write on various subjects including the awesome oriental board game ‘Go’.
Favourite line from a film: “We know each other; he’s a friend from work!” [Thor Ragnarok]
If I could be anywhere right now I'd be: On stage, preferably at a festival, in the sun.