Health and safety consultation

The government is currently part way through a consultation on Health and Safety law. Cutting back red tape is a good aim – but in this age of global information sharing, we see many countries where workers go without the protections that they deserve because government regulations are too weak to offer meaningful protection to

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Operation ranch hand; 40 years on, the clean-up continues

A $43 million clean-up operation has begun in Vietnam to decontaminate the former US airbase in Da Nang of a chemical called TCDD (a nasty carcinogen often referred to as “dioxin”). The plan revolves around the excavation and thermal treatment of around 73,000 cubic metres of soil in a project which will take approximately four

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Japanese knotweed is generally referred to as a herbaceous perennial, as although it leaves behind woody stalks over the winter, it is very rare for the plant to grow new leaves from any part of the previous season’s stems. The crowns and the rhizome (root system) of the plant stay alive over winter, sending up

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Hit it early – hit it hard!

Back in 2006 I surveyed a large brownfield site in the North West for invasive weeds which was just about to be sold for a significant sum of money. Unfortunately the deal fell through and the owner decided not to proceed with cleaning up the site and protecting their asset despite advice from numerous industries

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Help! My house has been invaded

At the back end of September 2011 we started to get the odd ladybird in the front room of our house climbing the curtains or across the light shade. From the outset I knew that this wasn’t one of our native species and was more likely to be the Harmonia axyridis (Harlequin Ladybird) which I

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1-800 Herbicide

We take invasive weeds seriously. We also take the law seriously. While we’re glad that there are some provisions in place for the regulation and control of herbicides – as well as who can use them and where – we think that there should be tighter controls on what is fast becoming an industry at

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Chairman’s summary of the year

Being the old fart that I am, I occasionally like to look back on previous years and reminisce. So, what have been the highlights of 2012? Well, I suppose the first thing that comes to mind is my trip to the USA. Flying to New York, staying in New York, first time in America –

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Speculate to accumulate

Over the last few months, our survey teams have been extremely busy surveying a range of land banks for large developers and house builders to record any invasive weeds. These proactive clients are ensuring that their biggest assets are well-protected and there are no nasty surprises when they come to develop in future years. The

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Europe What’s it worth?

Europe, eh? What’s it good for? Apart from Greece having given us the basis of modern philosophy and democracy… and the innumerable advances the Romans brought us… and long-lasting beer (or “lager”), developed by the Germans… and quality wine… and the basis of modern fine dining, as pioneered by the French (especially Escoffier)… and inventions

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